Price: US$11.49 [approx. RM40] (10% service fee applies)
Content: 1 CD, 1 photo booklet (38 pages)
Price comparison: none being sold at CD stores at the moment

SHINee's new mini album has just been released! Get a copy of your own right now without having to wait for CD stores to sell them. The benefits of purchasing from Yesasia is that it let's you contribute towards the artist's album sales count and their prices are definitely cheaper than prices you get at CD stores. The price of this mini album might increase if you purchase it later. So don’t hesitate to order the album through us now!
*Please bear in mind that YA only offers free shipping for orders above us$39 (approx. RM137). We will only place your orders on YA after we get 4 album orders and above.
How to place an order: (it’s as easy as 1-2-3!)
1. Fill out the order form & e-mail it to us at Please title your e-mail as ‘Order Form’.
2. After we’ve received your order & checked that there are available stocks, we will inform you to send the money to us according to your payment method. Only after your payment is confirmed, we will place your order on YA.
3. After the item reached us, we will immediately contact you for collection and the item will then reach you safely.
Order Form:
Contact number:
House address:
Order: (Qty) x Item name
Payment method: bank deposit / meet-up
Collection method: mailing (Poslaju) / meet-up
*Please fill in the form completely. All the information given will be kept private & confidential.
*Please do not send us the money until we ask you to.
*Please underline and/or bold the quantity of order.
You can refer to this example form:
Name: Mable Lim
Contact number: 019-1234567
House Address: 105, Apple Street, 48012, Selangor.
Order: 2 x SHINee-Romeo
Payment method: cash deposit
Collection method: meet-up (Date: 17 May; Time: 2pm-5pm)
If you choose to pay through cash deposit, please kindly inform us after you’ve bank-in the money & fill out the ‘Receipt Form’ below and e-mail it to us. If you choose the meet-up method, place of meet-up is at KL Central station. Please state the date & time you’re available, preferably on weekends and between 10am and 8pm. For collection, if you choose the mailing method, we would strongly recommend you to opt for Poslaju rather than normal mailing service. This is because you can check your items as soon as possible and in case there are any defectives on the item, you can send it back to us so that we can send it to YA for an exchange quickly. But we can assure you that YA's items are most of the time free of defects.
Receipt form:
Name: (as written in your order form)
If you have any other items you wish to purchase from YA, do tell us & we can help you get the item. If there are any enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us at